AIREX® My Space, My Time.
There is my time in my day, that's that part of the day that I dedicate to me.
I put all the stresses, worries, naggings of the day aside, and get into my zone, this zone is my space, where I get better, stronger and strive to be my own best.
My own best is what I wish for me, what I feel I need and strive to achieve. I want to be the best version of me for me, on my own terms, in my own space.
In my own space, I space out the negatives and attract the positives.
This is my space, my life, for the great ultimate feeling.

News & Actions
AIREX® Academy Training App
Our AIREX® Academy Training App is now available! The Airex® App powered by Airex Academy® is a highlight to connect our products towards to the demands of our consumers in a sustainable way. Beside the trainings by our Master Trainers the App serves as a product support to get the best out of your AIREX® products.
Airex® Instagram
Products made in Switzerland that are proud of their origins. Our products are of the highest quality and guarantee lifetime satisfaction. Visit us on Instagram to stay up to date.
Airex® on YouTube
New training video material has been created. You can find numerous training videos on our YouTube channel.
New videos are constantly being shot and uploaded. So it is definitely worth to check it out.
Most popular products
Our Categories
Fitness & Training
The unique AIREX® products are indispensable companions in the realm of comfortable and efficient personal fitness and training.
The damp-proof quality of AIREX® Fitness & Training products protect against cold, smooth or dirty surfaces, and prevents slippage during exercises. Their unique technology relieves strain on the spine, protects the joints and adapts to the individual anatomy.
For fitness, training and functional training. A perfect mat can only really unfold when tailor-made to fit its respective purpose. Buying an exercise mat is an important decision because the mat should bring you every day benefits for many hours a week.
Yoga & Pilates
Yoga and Pilates have many things in common, but these two training concepts have different applications. They adapt movement and breathing individually and optimally to suit the needs of their respective practitioners.
The AIREX® Pilates 190, Xtrema, Eco mats line and Calyana mats line are suitable for this purpose. These mats were designed tp accommodate the compelling professional opinions and wishes of famous Pilates and Yoga teachers.
Physio & Rehabilitation
The high level of responsibility associated with therapy requires the highest quality. The therapeutic success and hygiene guide the application of unique AIREX® products in clinics, rehabilitation centers and private practices.
The AIREX® Mats and Balance-pads offer optimal support in manual therapy, physical therapy, ergotherapy and balneotherapy for individuals and groups. It is the right mat for every respective purpose.
Unique AIREX® therapy products enable safe and comfortable sitting, kneeling, standing, and lying. They provide the optimal stimuli, support sensorimotor abilities, and thus offer highly professional support.
Schools & Associations
School and association sports span the broadest range of applications and have the highest demands. School an association sports, e.g. gymnastics or material arts, require mats of maximum performance level.
AIREX® products are suitable for all age groups and movement requirements. They play just as important role in school and association sports as in women's gymnastics. The dual function of mats and Balance-pads is invaluable for kindergarten and playgroups. They can be used to play around or to rest - either indoors, outdoor or in the water.
The robust AIREX ® Mats and Balance-pads products make a valuable contribution to training, sports and play. The AIREX® products superior cushioning properties provide softness as well as secure hold. The AIREX ® tear-resistant, film-reinforced Titania and Diana gymnastics mats can withstand hight loads both indoors and outdoors.